Easy Low Cost Business Ideas


Easy Low Cost Business Ideas

Need some low cost business ideas? As they say, it takes money to make money. But if you are looking for ways to start your own business and work for yourself, investment capital might be tough to come by. No problem! There are many businesses you can start with little or no capital and start making money almost immediately, even without a fancy college degree or much, if any, special training.

Become a personal shopper. People are always running out of time and would gladly pay to have someone do errands that include some simple grocery shopping to picking out an evening gown. All you need is a reliable car to get you around and a pretty flexible schedule for last minute assignments.

Take care of pets! Families who have pets love them like their own children. Many refuse to go on vacation because they fear their beloved pets won’t be cared for. You can walk dogs (and cats!), feed them, take them for regular vet check ups, or simply go and spend time with them. Pets need company, too. All you need is a love for animals.


Provide admin services to local companies. Type, do some accounting, PowerPoint presentations, etc. All you need is a computer and of course the knowledge to do the projects you are hired to do.

Learn to make candles! This is so easy, and supplies are very cheap. You don’t need much space but you do a place to let them cool off without the fear of little children or pets getting burned. If you have any kind of artistic ability, you can make some good money!

If you can bake, you can do well. Cater luncheons or even sell your goodies to local restaurants. Even if you have only one signature dessert, you can turn this into a very profitable business.

Make gift baskets. Find a specialty that interests you and focus on that. For instance baskets that contain beauty products, pet treats, baby shower goodies – whatever. You can even buy books on how to decorate them!

If you love photography and have a decent camera, you can easily sell your freelance photos to local papers. Bad car accidents, or even photos of local political speeches. Be the first to hand over a photo and you can earn yourself a “first call” position where the editor will ask you to cover events.

BS Business Management. Started a bookkeeping business, a real estate sales business, a real estate appraisal business, a handyman business and a small business consultant business. Want to find out more about small business ideas, then visit www.businessideascoach.com on how to choose the best low cost business ideas for your needs.

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